Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cartoon Number One-hundred-sixty-three


Jaames McNulty said...

I volunteer at the school helping the little ones read and you have hit the nail on the head; Acting like HUCK FINN, instead of being able to read the book...Unfortunately, truer words were never spoken. Good One!

Extravaganza of Cartoons said...

Thank you James.

Anonymous said...

I have been all over the world, and several years ago timed my travels to coincide with the beginning of the school semesters in eighteen countries, including Iceland, New Zealand and Ghana. In each instance, on each first day of school I witnessed, there was always at least one kid with shred hemmed shorts and a fishing pole near the back of the room! Astute cartooning, Extravaganza!

Lord Sinjerton Fleur, London

Yang Kuo said...

I volunteer at the school helping the little ones read and you have hit the nail on the head;

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