Saturday, November 08, 2008

Cartoon Number Ninety-five


NanO said...

Funny. I hope there was nothing gross on her hat.

Anonymous said...

Wot! That's some mighty good luck for the thirsty! What's especially interesting about the artwork is: what is that under the tablecloth? I see magazine print! What is it!??


Extravaganza of Cartoons said...

Good eyesight. This cartoon has a fascinating story behind it. It was drawn on the back of a sample ballot while the cartoonist was waiting in line to vote.

Yes, that was the story.

Anonymous said...

Wow! The most historically significant election of my and EoC's lifetime and EoC illustrates his concerns while standing in line:

The waiter is obviously dubya, and he has lost control of the country. Sitting at the table left to right are Hillary (instead of Biden), Obama (note the ears), Palin (note the vacant stare) and McCain (looks most like Fred Mertz).

The concern the artist wished to express was the idea that Palin's presence in the lineup could cause an accident of such surreal calamity that McCain would experience the quenching of his years' thirst to become president. Lucky thing this time it turned out we only had fear itself to fear! Nice drawing!


Extravaganza of Cartoons said...

Wow, I can hardly wait until you see the other one drawn on a sample ballot.